have fun, develope and create

School of Drawing and Painting

Discover the world of drawing and painting. Find out what perspective, value and chiaroscuro drawing is. Learn new techniques. Develope your skills, share your experience, create your portfolio of works, and prepare for the exams for the  High shool, Academy of Fine Art and Architecture

(+48) 606 404 855

For children

Learn through play using various material and means of expression. Drawing, painting, collage, graphics, sculpture. Group creative tasks.
Age: 6-12 years

For youth

Classes focused mainly in drawing and painting. Basic knowledge of perspective and value drawing. Introduction to color theory and composition.
Age: 13-18 years

For adults

Drawing and painting classes.
Learning perspective, 
chiaroscuro and value drawing.

Color theory and composition.
Age: >18 years old

Child + parent

New cours available this year.  Two art classes at the same time.  Develope your art skills along with your children. 

class dates


Course designed for candidates 
applying for  architecture major.  
Perspective drawing, exam topics 
+ portfolio of works.


Fine Art Academy
course (ASP)

 Course designed for candidates 

applying for  Academy of Fine Art.  
Perspective drawing, painting, exam topics 
+ portfolio of works.


Upper Secondery
School Art Class

A course for candidates of  secondary schools (art class).  Drawing, painting, mixed techniques + portfolio of works.


Drawing and Painting HOBBY

Drawing and painting course for all skill levels , Still life, perspecitvie, composition, color theory. Working with the model.


Art Class

Course designed for internation students. Fun class where you will learn mixed techniques of drawing and painting. Basic knowledge on perspective, chiaroscuro drawing, color theory and composition.
Class conducted in English


Nude Act Study course - 18+

Drawing and painting course requiring basic drawing and painting skills . Classes focused on human figure and anatomy.
Work with a model.

You don't know which course to choose? Are you interested in mixed mode classes? Do you have additional questions?
Feel free to contact us by e-mail or  phone: 606 404 855

why us?

Perfect place for your first contact with art

meet your tutors

Experienced artists and teachers

Piotr Bzdega
architect, artist, educator

- graduated from University of Technology, architecture major
- graduated from Academy of Fine Art in Wrocław
- participant of many art exhibitions and  art reviews
- designer in Architecture Biuro Bzdęga Wiśniewski sp. z o. o.

Ignacy Oboz
artist, art historian, educator, academic teacher

- graduated from Academy of Fine Art in Wroclaw
- lecturer on Academy of Fine Art in Lodz
 participant of many art exhibitions and  art reviews
- cooperates with cultural institutions among others Museum Pana Tadeusza and Museum of Modern Art in Wroclaw

Thank you for being with us

We would like to thank everyone involved in the development of the Pałacyk School of Painting and Drawing