Have fun and enjoy your works. Art class is a great way to spend some free time.
Spend it under the supervision of experienced guides who will assist you at every step.
Find your way of expression.
Let us install a passion for creation.
Prepare for your exams with us and compose your own portfolio of works.

Experienced team of tutors

Our lecturers are active artists and architects. Graduates of art and architecture universities. Experienced tutors with impressive art careere portfolio.  Winners of numerous awards in the fields of art and architecture. Best people for the job.

Small activity groups

Small groups  allow us for individual consultations and regular reviews of your work. We are trying to  know our students and give them our best.

meet our tutors

Artists, architects,

Piotr Bzdega
architect, artist, educator

- graduated from University of Technology, architecture major
- graduated from Academy of Fine Art in Wrocław
- participant of many art exhibitions and  art reviews
- designer in Architecture Biuro Bzdęga Wiśniewski sp. z o. o.

Ignacy Oboz
artist, art historian, educator, academic teacher

- graduated from Academy of Fine Art in Wroclaw
- lecturer on Academy of Fine Art in Lodz
 participant of many art exhibitions and  art reviews
- cooperates with cultural institutions among others Museum Pana Tadeusza and Museum of Modern Art in Wroclaw

Thank you for being with us.

We would like to thank everyone involved in the development of the Pałacyk School of Painting and Drawing